Translinguaindia Group 0 Comments Education
November 15, 2021

  • Boosts brain power

Studies have shown that learning a foreign language early in life improves cognitive abilities and influences achievement in other areas, resulting in higher test scores in reading and math. It also provides children with the skills required to control, direct and manage their attention, as well as their ability to plan. 

Apart from improving a child’s thinking skills and memory abilities, it helps in boosting concentration and ignoring distractions.


  • Better career opportunities

Career opportunities and job prospects are the no one reason why parents encourage their children to learn a  foreign language. Many professions require knowledge of at least one foreign language,  depending on the work requirement. Learning a foreigh language could help your child gain a  high-salary, thrilling work  experience, the opportunity to travel abroad and a platform to use their language skills.


  • Improves socials skills

Language skills would not only boost your  child’s job opportunities ,but they can also give them more opportunities to connect with others on a personal level as well as gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and ideologies, which in turn helps your child to become more accepting and understanding towards others. 


  • Enhances creativity and mental flexibility

Bilingual children are more confident, demonstrate higher cognitive flexibility and executive control (attention, planning, problem-solving, etc.) than monolingual children.

The process of mastering a language includes making many mistakes such as speech, writing, grammatical or spelling errors, but continuing to learn the language regardless of those errors will surely boost your child’s confidence.


Here’s where TIFL comes in

Our course is exclusively designed for children between the age group 09-14. This course would make them eligible to write the FIT in Deutsch A2 exam (internationally recognized).

After completion of our course, your child will be able to:

  • Understand and use sentences and common expressions in everyday situations.
  • Make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations requiring an exchange of information on familiar topics.
  • Describe his/her background and education, immediate surroundings and other matters associated with their immediate needs, in a simple way.

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