I am Rakesh and I am currently doing MSc in Mechatronics from the University of Duisburg, Germany. It was always my dream to do my Masters from a foreign University. I searched for a lot of courses in the UK and US. I applied for a few courses of my choice and got admission, but the economic crisis which was prevailing at the moment made me rethink about it. It was at that time that I was introduced to Mr. Arun Kumar by one of the Lecturers in my College. He showed me the path to where I am right now. He runs the Translinguaindia Institute for Foreign Languages (TIFL), from where I did my German courses A1 and A2. I really enjoyed learning the language at TIFL. His method of teaching was both effective and innovative. One develops all four language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. The speaking club Gruppe Deutsch conducted at TIFL was my most favorite session. In it everybody gets a chance to improve and you don’t feel shy to speak. I thank Arun sir for showing me the path which has brought a great diversion in my Career. To anyone who wants to learn German, I would strongly recommend a course at TIFL. Alles Gute.